Monday, October 27, 2008

Just came from Mount Rainier National Park

I just came from Mount Rainier National Park. It was beautiful! I will be posting more pictures soon!


mhel said...

Hey, I like that photographic pose of yours against the stunning backdrop.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Mukhang malamig ah. How cold did it get?

eunice said...

I saw this photo in your facebook last night and wanted to comment that it's a very nice shot!!!! I miss those beautiful sceneries!

eunice said...

Oh is Mt Rainier the one with the faces of the late US Presidents? Or is that Colorado Spring dunno wat....

Jasper said...

the asian traveler - thanks!

ryan - it's cold, but not so much, just around 5-8 degrees celsius. traces of snow everywhere :)

eunice - you mean mount rushmore? mount rainier is nice yeah! :)

eunice said...

oic! it's mt rushmore! I heard of mt rainier! surely very nice from what I see here!!

I've a new blog! Do submit your funny pics =P

Mark H said...

Superb photo. Mt Rainier is a truly inspiring mountain.

ßrigida Ayson © Copyright said...

Como esta? It seems like you're getting busy too. I just came back home to Hawaii. ANyway, I visited the Phils two weeks ago. Stayed there for 9 days, traveling from Banaue to Sagada to Baguio. Check out my latest adventure, yeah?

I see you've been to Mount Rainier. Never been there yet, hope to experience same adventure you've had too! TC!

x said...

very nice colors, jj!!! :D so brilliant.

Ivana said...

mm...what a unique mount behind u...can't wait for the next pic

eunice said...

Hi Jasper, I emailed you. Kindly reply! Thanks :)

Brenda said...

i am impress..... nice photos!!!