Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Walking in Eden Nature Park

A friend of Jojo recommended this place when asked the question as to where is a good vantage point for us to see Mount Apo, the tallest mountain in the Philippines. When we arrived on the place, we were surprised to find out that Eden Nature Park, located in Mount Talomo, is already part of the Mount Apo National Park. Hence, we didn’t get a chance to see the mountain from afar and take photos. Located 3,000 feet above sea level, the park is a leisure and recreation area where one can appreciate the beauty of nature and experience breath-taking activities such as zip lining, similar to a place where we just came from prior to here.

Because we have to be somewhere by mid-afternoon that day, we just booked for a guided shuttle tour and paid for it with the buffet lunch (which includes entrance fee) for Php475 each. The 45-minute shuttle tour, that goes around the park, runs every hour so we waited for a few minutes and explore the surroundings while waiting.

A tree with a signboard that reads "Of concern to all! A tree is worth $193,250 according to Professor T.M. Das of the University of Calcutta. A tree living for 50 years will generate $31,250 worth of oxygen, provide $62,000 worth of air polution control, control soil erosion and increase soil fertility to the tune of $31,250, recycle $37,500 worth of water and provide a home for animals worth $31,250. This figure does not include the value of fruits, lumber or beauty derived from trees. Just another sensible reason to take care of our forests." I never knew that a tree could be of that much value!

A multicab was waiting to take us for the guided shuttle tour. The tour only had 2 stop-overs but we passed by a lot of areas of interest in the park, including the forestry, camp site and villas that are for rent. They also showed us the Tinubdan area, which mimics the indigenous life of the area.

Greens for salads are also grown in the park. They do this via a method they call as "soil-less". As you can see here, the plants are hanging without a soil, lined up and kept in a enclosed area.

The first stop-over was at the ampitheatre. Luscious greens, flowers and nature greeted us and a view of Samal Island can be seen from above.

perfect place for a jump shot!

Near the ampitheatre is a flower garden, with all sorts of flowers grown. Some of these flowers can grow only in cold climate like this park.

me and the flowers!

For some reason, there's also a statue of St. Francis in the garden, and I automagically posed for it. :)

flowers, which I thought at first glance were fake

Our shuttle drove by inside what they call as the Rainbow Pass. It is actually comprised of 7 archs of flower vines of all the colors in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - in no particular order.

Lola's Garden (grandmother's garden) was our second stop. They call it as such because this is where they grow plants, vegetables and fruits traditionally like the "old folks" will do.

In here is a nipa hut and a carabao with a pulley, items that showcases how people live and do farming back in the golden days.

There are also flower plants of different colors scattered around the area.

Near the hut is Mayumi's Wishing Well, although this is not the usual wishing well where you toss coins. This one is full of flowers!

Floating in the wishing well are the beautiful and colorful flowers picked up from this garden.

That's basically much of the 45-minute guided tour. On the way back, we were shown the other facilities such as the pool, courts and other play areas around the park.

It was almost lunch time when we came back. Lunch was served in Vista Kiosk in buffet-style. As I take this picture of the marker, I can't help but be amused of the policeman standing beside it.

Beside the lunch area, workers were setting up a reception area for an upcoming wedding dinner.

Lunch time! I wasn't hungry yet but I had to eat something. Served to us were rice, grilled fish, beef tenderloin tips, chicken with sauce, etc.

Beside the buffet table is the salad bar. Aside from the usual salad, the main piece of this table are the greens that are home-grown in the park. Fresh and just picked up!

Outside the lunch area, we saw this photo opportunity area with a heart where lovers could have their picture taken, although I really do not understand what it is exactly for.

That's pretty much everything that what we've done around the park. Right after lunch, we left the park and headed to Sta. Ana pier for another adventure. Our trip here was subtle yet a relaxing experience for both of us. It kinda reminded me of our usual field trips back when I was grade school to Maria Makiling in Los Baños, Laguna. For those of you who will be visiting here, there are so much more to do here - jogging, hiking, fishing, swimming, play the pinoy games, visit the animal sanctuary, and of course, meditate and appreciate the beauty of nature and be thankful to God.


  1. guided tour with lunch for only Php 475?! panalo! foreigners would really have the best value for their money when they visit the Philippines.

  2. @r-yo: yes, buffet lunch na yun! for snacks (spaghetti/burger) + entrance fee + guided tour, it's only 235 :)

  3. You have a fantastic life! I like your big smile in every of your picture.
