Thursday, July 24, 2008

JFK Presidential Library & Museum

During our trip last March 2008 to Boston, we made sure that we visit the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum because my mom is a fan. The museum is beside the Boston campus of University of Massachusetts. It is accessible via MBTA's JFK/UMASS station. From the station you can hop on a shuttle that will transfer you to the museum.

Before we proceed with the actual visit, we were first briefed about John F. Kennedy's life and what to expect inside the museum in a small theater.

Inside the museum are a lot of items related to JFK's political and personal life. Items dated from his campaign period to his presidency up to his assassination are displayed.

JFK's presidential seal

Jacqueline Kennedy's gown

A piece of the Berlin wall

Museum architecture

A painting of Jacqueline

The museum is situated beside a body of water. It was drizzling during our visit and the view might have been better when sunny.

More pictures are available in multiply. Just add me as a friend to view them.


eunice said...

Wow Jasper, you really covered a lot of places in USA! So envious of you now ^_^

ßrigida Ayson © Copyright said...

Yeah.. I'm not the only one travelling around the world here. Jasper and Eunice each has their own ride.

Wow! I am so impressed by these photos. Are you off the country now? I mean PI?

BTW, The Competition is now ON! Go Jump High and Reach for the Sky! Submit your best jumping photo. Go check out the prize =)

x said...

that is so cool they have a piece of the berlin wall! niiiice.

ßrigida Ayson © Copyright said...

Hi there Jasper! Did you cast vote yet for your best Jumping Photo pick on my latest game post? Go see them they're sooo funny! I've got more entries now.