Monday, June 30, 2008

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

The first attraction we visited in New York was the Madame Tussauds New York located in 42nd Street New York, squeezed between major play theaters. It is a wax museum housing several life-size celebrities and icons in wax monuments.

Here are some of the shots taken inside the museum.

Robin Williams

Julia Roberts

Hugh Grant

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Jennifer Lopez

Other stars

Elton John

Notorious B.I.G.

Pope John Paul II

Dalai Lama

Princess Diana

Albert Einstein

The American Presidents

Bill Clinton

Oprah Winfrey


Paris Hilton

Lindsay Lohan


Bob Marley

Michael Jordan

Bill Gates

Spice Girls

The Rock



More pictures are available in multiply. Just add me as a friend to view them.


ßrigida Ayson © Copyright said...

Heyah Jasper, this is the coolest post you ever had... I love every portrait here, and is that your mom? you are her chaperone?

haha! she's so cool too =) Why aren't you visiting me anymore? You're missing all my posts!

Don't forget to see my latest blog entries! Leave your footprints under comments!

Jasper said...

who says? i'm a regular in your blog! :P

yeah that's my mom. actually this is a planned trip of our family members for those who can afford to pay for himself :P

insulare said...

you did a great photo ops with the world's famous personalities.

Jasper said...

Thanks for the nice comment islander!